Salam wbt,

A quick entry just to let you know (if you are not aware of) that Kedah and Perlis are currently battling a major flood. So, we (GALAKSI) are conducting an emergency appeal so that we can help those affected in the disaster.

My village (cilok from FB)

Sea of water. Used to be vast are of paddy field (FB cilok again)


For those in Ireland and UK, below are the details for account that you can help to contribute.
May Allah bless the all the effort to help these people. InsyaAllah, your euro/pound will be very meaningful to them.

Name: MSMR

Account Number: 28095568

Sort code: 30-96-91

Reference: KFEA


Ireland Bank Account;

Name: MRAM

Account Number : 72508064
Sort code : 930121
Reference: KFEA

Students from other countries such as Aussie and any others that want to contribute may as well do so by appointing someone who can be trusted to collect the money.
May Allah bless us.
